WAC Arts - We Can Move
Wac Arts
Wac Arts is a charity based in Belsize Park that helps young people across Camden to develop essential life skills through the arts. Chas Mollet, the organisation’s Access Technology Officer talks about how the organisation is using the arts and technology to get young people active whilst having fun.
“Wac Arts is celebrating its 40th Birthday this year (2019). We offer fully inclusive performing arts and media programmes to young people aged 5-26 through weekend and evening enrichment programmes, holiday projects and a full time professional training course.
“We believe that creativity is the key to unlocking opportunities for young people and that everyone should be able to benefit from this. Every Wednesday evening during term time we run Urban Motivation, an activity for 18-26 year olds with a disability. The Urban Motivation group meet from 6.30 to 8.30 and use dance, drama, music and assistive technology to creatively and passionately explore the world around them.
“Urban Motivation recently developed Bare Peas – a physically active video game that we host at community organisations across Camden. The game uses adaptable technology so everyone can play together, some of the levels require group coordination and team work whilst others are fast and furious competitive racing levels. Our students have ensured the game is as fun and physically demanding as possible whilst being accessible to everyone.”
Bare Peas has been developed with support from the Camden Can Innovation Fund. If you’re interested in bringing Bare Peas to your youth organisation please contact [email protected].
Find out more about on the Wac Arts website or email [email protected].