Kim - We Can Move



Kim’s journey to an active lifestyle began when her doctor referred her to Rebalance, Camden’s free weight management programme. Since then not only has her health improved but she also feels happier and more confident.

“I joined Rebalance after my local GP warned me that my blood pressure was too high. The programme provided me with valuable information on nutrition and exercise that I continue to implement in my daily life.

"In the beginning I struggled with the new environment and the changes that I had to make to my eating habits, but with the support of the instructors and the Rebalance team I was able to keep going and ultimately complete the programme.  

"When making changes in your life to increase or improve your activeness, it is important to start slowly and focus on becoming healthy first and foremost.

"Since starting the programme, I’ve seen many positive changes in my life, firstly my blood pressure has decreased enough that I no longer need to take medication to treat it. I’ve lost almost 40kg and I am a lot happier and my confidence has increased.

"I now frequently enjoy attending different exercise classes such as trampolining, total body conditioning, box fit, circuit training dance and cycling.  

"Not only have I been able to change my life but I have also been able to make changes for my whole family too. Now my children and I no longer eat junk food, instead we eat a healthy but balanced diet and stay active.”

Rebalance is a 12 week, group, weight-loss programme of exercise and dietary advice. It covers nutritional advice, healthy-eating guidance, online, cognitive behavioural support and help to get active. Find out more.